The Design of Everyday Things - Summary

Don Norman

The Design of Everyday Things Book Cover


The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman is a book that explores the design of everyday objects and how they impact our lives. The book is divided into two parts: The Psychology of Everyday Actions and The Design of Everyday Things. In the first part, Norman discusses the psychology behind our actions and how we interact with the world around us. In the second part, he delves into the design of objects and how they can be improved to make our lives easier and more efficient.

The Psychology of Everyday Actions

In this section of the book, Norman discusses how our actions are influenced by our environment and the objects around us. He argues that good design should take into account the way people think and behave. One example he gives is the design of doors. Many doors have handles that are difficult to use because they are not designed with the user in mind. Norman suggests that doors should have handles that are easy to grasp and operate, such as a lever or a push plate.

Another example he gives is the design of telephones. Many telephones have buttons that are difficult to press and are not labeled clearly. Norman suggests that telephones should have buttons that are easy to press and are labeled clearly, so that users can easily make calls without having to struggle with the device.

The Design of Everyday Things

In this section of the book, Norman discusses the design of everyday objects and how they can be improved. He argues that good design should be intuitive and easy to use. One example he gives is the design of stovetops. Many stovetops have knobs that are difficult to read and are not labeled clearly. Norman suggests that stovetops should have knobs that are easy to read and are labeled clearly, so that users can easily adjust the temperature of the stove.

Another example he gives is the design of computer interfaces. Many computer interfaces are confusing and difficult to navigate. Norman suggests that computer interfaces should be designed with the user in mind, so that they are intuitive and easy to use.


Overall, The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman is a thought-provoking book that challenges readers to think about the design of everyday objects and how they impact our lives. Norman’s insights into the psychology of everyday actions and the design of everyday things are both informative and engaging. The book is filled with examples and anecdotes that illustrate his points and make the book a pleasure to read. Whether you are a designer or simply someone who is interested in how objects impact our lives, The Design of Everyday Things is a must-read.

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